Welcome to Wilson County Emergency Management Agency

“Amateur Radio Operations”

The organization consists of amateur radio operators representing Wilson County. Our organization is solely sponsored and directed by Wilson Emergency Management Agency of Wilson County TN. Our scope of operation is wide and involves a multitude of skills including weather monitoring and communication support for disaster situations. Our participation includes exercise of communication readiness and support of public events where communications require deployment either for standby or operational communications.

The Amateur Radio Operations emergency readiness organization stands for public service supporting Wilson and adjacent counties and their citizens. Our organization bridges the hobby of Amateur Radio to public service.

We encourage Wilson County residents licensed as amateur radio operators to contact any member of our Core Team to determine how they can be of support for the county in which we proudly reside. In addition, anyone having an interest in becoming a licensed amateur radio operator contact any member of the Core Team for details and assistance in becoming an amateur radio operator. We are here to assist!

Mission Statement

To provide support for the community and citizens of Wilson County through the direction of Wilson County Emergency Management Agency by delivering a high level of technical expertise through Amateur Radio and related technology.

W4EAO Frequencies

Jennings Knob - VHF

146.835 MHz

(-) Tone 100

Jennings Knob - UHF

444.125 MHz

(+) Tone 100

Franklin Rd. - VHF

147.105 MHz

(+) Tone 156.7

Franklin Rd. - UHF

442.275 MHz

(+) Tone 100

Taylorsville Rd. - UHF

442.125 MHz

(+) Tone 100

South Greenhill Rd. - UHF

444.750 MHz

(+) Tone 110.9

Boxwell Reservation - UHF

442.050 MHz

(+) Tone 100