Mission Statement
To provide support for the community and citizens of Wilson County through the direction of Wilson County Emergency Management Agency by delivering a high level of technical expertise through Amateur Radio and related technology.
W4EAO Weekly Radio Net
Each Tuesday night W4EAO conducts a voice net to test equipment and insure we are at peak operating effectiveness. This is an opportunity for all Amateur Radio operators in the area to test their systems. Please join us each week to insure you are prepared for emergencies.
8:00 p.m. on VHF at 146.835 (-) Tone 100
8:30 p.m. on UHF Linked Repeater System. Tune to any UHF repeater listed the right side of page.
W4EAO Emergency Weather Operations Net
During severe weather events WEAO Emergency Weather Net will be activated. This is a directed net open to all Amateurs radio operators. The net controller will pass along all pertinent information to NWS and WEMA safety operations. Please follow the instructions from net the controller.
All repeaters are not linked at this time but will be monitored for communication. Please find the repeater closest to you from the "W4EAO Frequencies" list to receive and transmit information.
WC4AR Weekly Radio Net
Wilson Amateur Radio Club Information Net is held every Thursday night. This is a directed net. Please follow the instructions of the net controller. The purpose of this net to keep HAM radio operators informed on news and information pertaining to HAM radio. All operators are invited to join in.
8:00 p.m. on the WC4AR repeater at 147.105 (-) Tone 156.7
MTEARS Hospital Net
3rd Thursday at 12:00 noon each month MTEARS Hospital Net is conducted to ensure preparedness for emergency communication needs across the state.
Please locate the repeater closest to you and follow the instructions from net control.
W4EAO Frequencies
Jennings Knob - VHF
146.835 MHz
(-) Tone 100
Jennings Knob - UHF
444.125 MHz
(+) Tone 100
Franklin Rd. - VHF
147.105 MHz
(+) Tone 156.7
Franklin Rd. - UHF
442.275 MHz
(+) Tone 100
Taylorsville Rd. - UHF
442.125 MHz
(+) Tone 100
South Greenhill Rd. - UHF
444.750 MHz
(+) Tone 110.9
Boxwell Reservation - UHF
442.050 MHz
(+) Tone 100