Wilson County Emergency Management Agency

110 Oak Street, Lebanon, Tennessee 37087

Phone (615) 444-8777; Fax (615) 443-4621


Wilson County EMA Amateur Radio Operations

  1. Rules and Regulations

    Section 1.
    The Wilson County EMA Amateur Radio Operations group shall be operated in accordance with the FCC rules and regulations.

    Section 2. The Wilson County EMA Amateur Radio Operations repeater shall be open to all qualified amateur radio operators in the area and all visiting amateurs.

    Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to have the Constitution and By-Laws of the Wilson County EMA Amateur Radio Operations group at every regular and special meeting. The Secretary shall cause all amendments, changes and additions to be noted thereon and shall permit the same to be consulted by members upon request.

  2. Special Committees

    Special committees may be appointed by the executive committee which will consist of the President, Vice President/Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary.

  3. Memberships

    Section 1.
    All persons 18 or over interested in amateur radio shall be eligible for membership.

    Section 2. Applicants should be licensed Amateur Radio Operators or those actively seeking an Amateur Radio license. Members without a license and actively seeking a license have six months to obtain the license or will be dropped from the membership of the Wilson County EMA Amateur Radio group. There will be no exceptions or extensions of any kind.

    Section 3. Final acceptance of any member will be on a majority vote of the executive officers of the Wilson County EMA Amateur Radio Operations group.

  4. Trustees

    Section 1.
    The operation and maintenance of the repeater shall be by the Trustee(s) of the Wilson County EMA Amateur Radio Operations group. The Trustee(s) shall be appointed by the executive committee. The Trustee(s) shall keep a maintenance record plus all changes or modifications made to the equipment.

    Section 2. Trustees may remove themselves from office by resignation or by a vote of two-thirds of the executive committee. Any trustee leaving office must turn over to another trustee or a member of the executive committee all maintenance records, changes and modification, schematics pertaining to the equipment, and all items belonging to the Wilson County EMA Amateur Operations group.

    Section 3. A new trustee may be elected and installed by a majority vote of the executive committee. The Wilson County EMA Amateur Operations group shall have no other special powers either expressed or implied.

  5. Repeater Site

    Section 1.
    Members will not visit the repeater operation site except as approved by the trustees. In any event, only persons authorized to do so may make any adjustment to the repeater equipment and such adjustment shall be noted in the maintenance record normal kept with the equipment. In all cases, either the Vice-President/Chairman and/or the Trustee must be notified in advance of any repeater site visit and/or equipment maintenance.

    Section 2. Members will not loan or otherwise transfer possession of any equipment belonging to the Wilson County EMA Amateur Radio Operations group or to the Wilson County EMA to any non-member without the prior vote of the Executive Committee and approval of Wilson County EMA.

  6. Amendments

    These By-Laws can be amended at any regular or special meeting by a two-thirds vote provided the amendment was submitted in writing at a previous meeting.
    Without previous notice, the By-Laws may be amended at any regular or special meeting by a decision of the Director of Wilson County EMA.

  7. Standing Rules

    Standing rules may be adopted, changed, or eliminated by a majority vote at any regular or special meeting.

  8. Appointments of Executive Officers

    Committee replacements or vacancies will be administered by the Director of Wilson County EMA with input from the remaining Executive Committee.

Mission Statement

To provide support for the community and citizens of Wilson County through the direction of Wilson County Emergency Management Agency by delivering a high level of technical expertise through Amateur Radio and related technology.

W4EAO Frequencies

Jennings Knob - VHF

146.835 MHz

(-) Tone 100

Jennings Knob - UHF

444.125 MHz

(+) Tone 100

Franklin Rd. - VHF

147.105 MHz

(+) Tone 156.7

Franklin Rd. - UHF

442.275 MHz

(+) Tone 100

Taylorsville Rd. - UHF

442.125 MHz

(+) Tone 100

South Greenhill Rd. - UHF

444.750 MHz

(+) Tone 110.9

Boxwell Reservation - UHF

442.050 MHz

(+) Tone 100