Mission Statement
To provide support for the community and citizens of Wilson County through the direction of Wilson County Emergency Management Agency by delivering a high level of technical expertise through Amateur Radio and related technology.
W4EAO Frequencies
Jennings Knob - VHF
146.835 MHz
(-) Tone 100
Jennings Knob - UHF
444.125 MHz
(+) Tone 100
Franklin Rd. - VHF
147.105 MHz
(+) Tone 156.7
Franklin Rd. - UHF
442.275 MHz
(+) Tone 100
Taylorsville Rd. - UHF
442.125 MHz
(+) Tone 100
South Greenhill Rd. - UHF
444.750 MHz
(+) Tone 110.9
Boxwell Reservation - UHF
442.050 MHz
(+) Tone 100
January 8 Wednesday Regular Scheduled Meeting. Present Emergency Communications Operation Plan & Training Manual.
January 22 Wednesday Second Scheduled Meeting. Training/Discussion of Em Com Ops Plan & Training Manuals.
January 25 & 26 Saturday and Sunday. Winter Field Day.
February 12 Wednesday. Tabletop Deployment Exercise.
March 19 Wednesday. First Aid Class (Starts promptly at 6:00 PM)
March 26 Wednesday. CPR Class (Starts promptly at 6:00 PM)
April 19 Saturday. Hands On Communications Trailer Deployment.
May 24 Saturday. Meet at 115 Oak Street 9:00 AM transport to Nashville Superspeedway water tower to setup portable radio towers / tower operation training.
June 11 Wednesday. Recap all items covered, debrief discussion of pros the cons, critique all training to date.
June 28 & 29 Saturday and Sunday. Summer Field Day.