Mission Statement

To provide support for the community and citizens of Wilson County through the direction of Wilson County Emergency Management Agency by delivering a high level of technical expertise through Amateur Radio and related technology.

W4EAO Frequencies

Jennings Knob - VHF

146.835 MHz

(-) Tone 100

Jennings Knob - UHF

444.125 MHz

(+) Tone 100

Franklin Rd. - VHF

Wilson ARC

147.105 MHz

(+) Tone 156.7

Franklin Rd. - UHF

442.275 MHz

(+) Tone 100

Taylorsville Rd. - UHF

442.125 MHz

(+) Tone 100

South Greenhill Rd. - UHF

444.750 MHz

(+) Tone 110.9

Boxwell Reservation - UHF

442.050 MHz

(+) Tone 100

The W4EAO trailer was a main feature at the 2023 HamQuest inside the "Made in Tennessee" building at Wilson County Fair Grounds, July 22, 2023

Many visitors to HamQuest sponsored by Wilson Amateur Radio Club were able to tour the emergency operations trailer to see our equipment and ask questions regarding volunteer opportunities. This was a good time for amateur radio operators to see firsthand our abilities to serve the community in times of need.

Bill Uthoff and Brent Fenton greeted guests, provided tours and contact information. Thanks to everyone who participated, we now have a greater following and hope those who visited will become involved in our volunteer program and nets.

Amateur Radio Operations Trailer goes to HamQuest 2023